Introduction: Settler Colonialism and the Palestinian-Zionist Struggle (2)

Omran’s special issue on settler colonialism, specifically in Palestine, aimed to achieve two main goals. First it sought to examine the Palestinian experience under the lens of critical settler colonialism theory, then to bridge the gap between the epistemological conclusions of this examination and the Palestinian national movement’s conception of Zionism in order to carve out a real path for liberation. However, the researchers’ interaction with the topic was much broader than anticipated, so an empirical and literary dimension focused on the Palestinian cause was added to the themes of the issue.

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Omran’s special issue on settler colonialism, specifically in Palestine, aimed to achieve two main goals. First it sought to examine the Palestinian experience under the lens of critical settler colonialism theory, then to bridge the gap between the epistemological conclusions of this examination and the Palestinian national movement’s conception of Zionism in order to carve out a real path for liberation. However, the researchers’ interaction with the topic was much broader than anticipated, so an empirical and literary dimension focused on the Palestinian cause was added to the themes of the issue.
