Arab Public Opinion’s Index 2010-2011: Lebanon Case Study

During the Spring 2011 period between the resignation of Saad Hariri’s government and the formation of Najib Mikati’s replacement, a public opinion poll was conducted. The poll centered on issues related to daily living. It included questions on matters of: security, extent of trust in official security and political institutions, ways of participation in public life, meaning of religiosity and the role of religion in public domain, how different sects perceive Arab issues, sources of perceived security threats and level of readiness to recognize Israel. Analysis of the poll revealed results that were largely uneven across sects, provinces, and social groups when it came to identifying major issues. Findings showed that there were varied understandings of the reasons underlying the uncertainty of daily dealings with an unstable surrounding environment, and unregulated internal relationships within a state that lacks a unifying, official vision inclusive of all Lebanese.   

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During the Spring 2011 period between the resignation of Saad Hariri’s government and the formation of Najib Mikati’s replacement, a public opinion poll was conducted. The poll centered on issues related to daily living. It included questions on matters of: security, extent of trust in official security and political institutions, ways of participation in public life, meaning of religiosity and the role of religion in public domain, how different sects perceive Arab issues, sources of perceived security threats and level of readiness to recognize Israel. Analysis of the poll revealed results that were largely uneven across sects, provinces, and social groups when it came to identifying major issues. Findings showed that there were varied understandings of the reasons underlying the uncertainty of daily dealings with an unstable surrounding environment, and unregulated internal relationships within a state that lacks a unifying, official vision inclusive of all Lebanese.   
