Political Science in the Arab universities: A Proposed Model

This research paper proposes a model for teaching political science in Arab universities, one that is built on the needs of the Arab world in the political field. The model sets out its main themes, which are democracy (political, social, and economic), national integration, management of Arab international relations, and methods of academic research in politics, and then defines the academic areas that serve these dimensions and gives a brief description of each of them. The key idea of the paper is to combine common academic orientations in the field of political science on the global level with the specificities and needs of Arab society and its states, with the aim of serving Arab society without separating from human development in general. The paper pays heed to giving students exposure to the theoretical and the practical aspects of political science, alongside qualitative and quantitative methods.

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This research paper proposes a model for teaching political science in Arab universities, one that is built on the needs of the Arab world in the political field. The model sets out its main themes, which are democracy (political, social, and economic), national integration, management of Arab international relations, and methods of academic research in politics, and then defines the academic areas that serve these dimensions and gives a brief description of each of them. The key idea of the paper is to combine common academic orientations in the field of political science on the global level with the specificities and needs of Arab society and its states, with the aim of serving Arab society without separating from human development in general. The paper pays heed to giving students exposure to the theoretical and the practical aspects of political science, alongside qualitative and quantitative methods.
