Key Manifestations of Societal Life in the Arab City Under Israeli Colonialism

The nakba in Palestine destroyed the urbanity of the Palestinian city and banished it from the collective memory. Accordingly, this study calls for a reflection on the vanishing of the Palestinian city as an independent entity within Israel, and tries to investigate this process using urbanistic indicators. The study observes the societal life of the Arab city inhabitants under Israeli Colonization . It does this by investigating forms of «informal social support» – its strategies, limits, extent, sufficiency – as well as its implications, assuming that the index of «informal social support» reflects a key manifestation of city life in accord with the Arab-Palestinian specificity. The paper uses a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with a targeted sample representative of the research population.

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The nakba in Palestine destroyed the urbanity of the Palestinian city and banished it from the collective memory. Accordingly, this study calls for a reflection on the vanishing of the Palestinian city as an independent entity within Israel, and tries to investigate this process using urbanistic indicators. The study observes the societal life of the Arab city inhabitants under Israeli Colonization . It does this by investigating forms of «informal social support» – its strategies, limits, extent, sufficiency – as well as its implications, assuming that the index of «informal social support» reflects a key manifestation of city life in accord with the Arab-Palestinian specificity. The paper uses a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with a targeted sample representative of the research population.
