The International Conference “Migration Movements in the Maghreb and their Current Expansions”

The Arab Center for Research and  Policy Studies (ACRPS) in cooperation of with the Unité de recherches Ibn Khaldoun-PEMIVAT (Peuplement et mise en valeur en Tunisie à travers l’Histoire) held an international conference on "Migratory Movements in the Maghreb and their Current Extensions" from December 8-9, 2016. The conference was held at the ACRPS-Tunis branch and was attended by several Arab and foreign researchers.

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The Arab Center for Research and  Policy Studies (ACRPS) in cooperation of with the Unité de recherches Ibn Khaldoun-PEMIVAT (Peuplement et mise en valeur en Tunisie à travers l’Histoire) held an international conference on "Migratory Movements in the Maghreb and their Current Extensions" from December 8-9, 2016. The conference was held at the ACRPS-Tunis branch and was attended by several Arab and foreign researchers.
