Subjectivisation and Objectivisation, Etic and Emic in Sociological Analysis

Volume |Issue 31| Winter 2020 |Articles


Among the main slogans of the Tunisian protest movement that started in December 2010 and continued beyond January 14, 2011 was: "Employment is a right you gang of thieves!" This study seeks to demonstrate, methodologically and analytically, that this slogan can be researched from a sociological approach with two starting points: "Subjectification" from an "emic" perspective and "Objectivisation" from an "etic" perspective. By "Subjectification" this study refers to the projection of social actors' perceptions on world views. The "emic" refers to the subjective principles that stirs individuals and their discourses. "Objectivisation" refers to the process of ascribing legitimacy of the social historical existence to the subjective through contextualizing within social movements. The emic is the social logic of this process as an external existence that encompasses the actions of those social actors.
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