State and Hegemony over Society The Corporatist Authoritarian State and the Restrictions of Democratic Transition in Algeria

Volume 10|Issue 37| Summer 2021 |Articles


The authoritarian corporatist state is an organizational structure of state form and a political relationship between the state apparatus and society, that make distorted, restricted, and incomplete democratic transformation, due to its domination on society. this pattern of state structure have low institutionalization level, compensate it by control over the system of interest's representation on all forms of societal groups, this leads to the weakness of civil society and establishing a kind of recurring political crises. In order to examine this hypothesis, through analyzing the Algerian case, as a representative case of authoritarian corporatist state, this analysis may establish a deductive analytical generalization to the rest of cases in the Arab region, by revealing the modus operandi of the authoritarian corporatist state as a special type of domination's system hampering the democratic transition process.

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Arab Center